
Adding another website to my hosting account  Print this Article

The majority of our web hosting plans have the capacity to host multiple websites on a single hosting plan. This is particularly useful if you have another project you are working on, you have taken on a new client, or you simply want to create a separate area for testing purposes such as a new design. 

There are essentially two ways to add a new website to your hosting account. The method you choose depends on whether you have a new domain for your additional website (e.g., or whether you utilise your existing domain by adding a subdomain (

Additional Website With Its Own Domain 

If your additional website has its own domain, you will need to add an Addon Domain to your hosting account via cPanel. You can find a tutorial on how to do this here

Haven't registered the domain name yet? You can register the domain name with Jolly Leaf here


Additional Website With No New Domain 

If your additional website does not have its own domain, you will need to create a subdomain for your hosting account. You can find a tutorial on how to do this here

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