
Installing WordPress  Print this Article

WordPress is one of the most popular, free open-source content management systems (CMS). With endless free (and paid) themes and plugins, you can create your website or blog effortlessly.  

With Jolly Leaf, you can install WordPress in a matter of clicks, as well as manage your WordPress installation directly in cPanel.  

Step 1: Login to cPanel via the Jolly Leaf Tree House.

Step 2: Click WordPress under the Softaculous App Installer heading.

Step 3: Click Install Now

Step 4: Complete the setup configurations and click Install.

Version The version of WordPress that should be installed. We always recommend you install the latest version of WordPress. You can view all WordPress releases here.
Protocol If you have an SSL certificate installed, then please choose the https:// protocol.
Domain The domain name for the WordPress install. If your domain name is not listed, please add the domain as an addon domain.
Directory The directory of your hosting account where WordPress will be installed. This directory should not exist, as the installer will create this directory. To install WordPress as your main site, leave empty.
Site Name The name of your WordPress website.
Site Description A brief description of your WordPress website.
Enable Multisite A WordPress feature that allows you to create a network of sites on a single WordPress installation.
Admin Username The username for the WordPress admin user.
Admin Password The password for the WordPress admin user. We recommend you use the password generator for this.
Admin Email The email address of the WordPress admin user.
Language The language of the WordPress install.
Limit Login Attempts (Loginizer) This plugin will protect your WordPress site from brute force attempts by limiting login attempts. We recommend you select this option for additional security.
Classic Editor This will reinstate the previous WordPress editor.
Select Theme You can choose to select a theme with your install. If you don't select a theme, a default one will be applied.


Once the installation has completed, WordPress will now be installed on your hosting account. You can now login to the WordPress administrator dashboard using the admin username and password you entered during the setup, to manage your website.

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